Research directions
Block I: Attention and perception.
— Instant perception of scenes with multiple objects (I. Utochkin, R. Vakhrushev)
— Summary statistic perception and it’s properties, Single object search (I. Utochkin, N.Tyurina)
— Role Attention in Visual search in ecologic images (I. Utochkin)
— Visual illusions (I. Utochkin)
— The dead zone of attention (I. Utochkin, Y. Stakina)
— Dynamics and mechanisms of Visual memory (I. Utochkin)
— A top-down pathways in processing of Visual information (M. Falikman, A. Pominov)
Key articles
— Utochkin I. Ensemble summary statistics as a basis for rapid visual categorization Journal of Vision. 2015. Vol. 15. No. 8. P. 1-14.
— Falikman M. Cognitive paradigm: does it place of psychology? Psychological research. Electronic journal. 2015. t. 8. No. 42. C. 3-3.
— Yurevich M. Utochkin I. Distractor heterogeneity effects in visual search are mediated by "segmentability" Journal of Vision. 2014. Vol. 14. No. 10.
Block II: thinking, creativity, problem solving, decision making
— The interaction of two or more languages in cognitive human system (A. Kotov)
— Mechanisms of insight and creative challenges (V. Spiridonov)
— Mechanisms for handling lexical information (A. Kotov)
— Mechanisms of categorization and the formation of concepts in children and adults (A. Kotov)
— Cross-cultural studies of creativity (S. Yagolkovsky)
Key articles
— Kotov A., Agrba L., Vlasova E., et al. The role of labels in learning dense and sparse statistically statistically categories//PSYCHOLOGY. WP BRP. HSE Publishing House, 2015. No. 35.
— Yagolkovskiy S. Creativity in face-to-face and computer-mediated brainstorming//Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2015. Vol. 12. No. 4. P. 184-191.
— Yagolkovskiy S. Stimulation of Individual Creativity in Electronic Brainstorming: Cognitive and Social Aspects//Social Behavior and Personality. 2016. Vol. 44. No. 5 (in press)
— Spiridonov V. Tasks, heuristics, insight and other strange stuff//Logos 2014. # 1. P. 97-108.
Block III: Processing of information from emotions
— Emotional intellect (D. Lucin)
— Perception and understanding of the emotionally charged words (D. Lucin)
— Perception of emotional facial expressions (D. Lucin)
— Effects of congruence and complementarity in the processing of emotional information (D. Lucin)
Key articles
Lucin D. Influence of emotions on attention: an analysis of modern research. Book: Cognitive psychology: phenomena and problems. M.: LENAND, 2014. P. 146-160.
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