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A new article about binocularity in visual search is published in "Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics"

A paper "Binocularity and visual search – Revisited" by Bochao Zou, Igor Utochkin, Yie Liu, and Jeremy Wolfe is published in "Attiention, Perception, and Psychophysics"

Undegraduate students from the Cognitive research lab won the Student research contest

Feb 6, 2017. The winners of the HSE Student research contest are awarded. Three undergraduate students of our lab won all prizes in nomination "Best undergraduate paper in psychology".

New article by Igor Urochkin and Maria Yurevich in Journal of Experimental Psychology

A new paper by Igor Utochkin and Maria Yurevich has recently appeared online in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. The paper is entitled "Similarity and heterogeneity effects in visual search is mediated by "segmentability"".

Anastasia Belinskaya and Konstantin Vostrikov won the Student research contest

We congratulate our colleagues with a victory in the Student research contest!

The fifth seminar "The Grand Illusion"

On October 9, 2015 the fifth annual seminar  “The Great Illusion” was held. It was organized by HSE Cognitive research laboratory , together with the Faculty of Psychology, St. Petersburg State University.

Invited lectures by prof. Patrick Cavanagh

Patrick Cavanagh presented three lectures in HSE, Moscow. The first one was intended for a wide audience, and the other two were for professionals in the field of perception and attention.